Custom Sterling Silver Necklace & Pendant

La suavidad de la plata esterlina la ha convertido en una opción popular para crear diseños delicados e intrincados.. Collares y colgantes están disponibles en una amplia gama de estilos..



Joyería de plata esterlina


Collar de plata esterlina & Colgante

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Is Sterling Silver Good for Necklaces?

Sí, sterling silver is a popular choice for necklaces. It is a versatile and durable metal that works well for jewelry, including necklaces. Sterling silver necklaces can be crafted into various styles and designs, ranging from simple chains to intricate pendants.

The shiny and lustrous appearance of sterling silver adds an elegant touch to necklaces, making them a popular choice for both casual and formal wear. Just like any other sterling silver jewelry, proper maintenance and care are necessary to keep the necklace looking its best and to prevent tarnishing over time.
925 sterling silver necklace
925 sterling silver necklace

Does Sterling Silver Necklace Turn Green?

Sterling silver necklaces can potentially turn green, although it is less common compared to other metals. Green discoloration on the skin or jewelry is typically a result of a chemical reaction between the silver and substances like sweat, lotions, or cosmetics.

The green discoloration occurs due to the presence of copper in sterling silver. Sterling silver is made up of 92.5% plata y 7.5% otros metales, often copper. When exposed to moisture or acidic substances, copper can oxidize, resulting in a greenish color.

Cómo Limpio Collar de plata esterlina?

clean sterling silver necklace

1. Prepare una solución de limpieza

Mezcle unas gotas de jabón para platos suave o limpiador líquido para plata con agua tibia en un tazón o lavabo pequeño.. Evite el uso de productos químicos o limpiadores agresivos que puedan dañar la plata..

2. Soak the necklace

Place the sterling silver necklace into the cleaning solution, ensuring that it is fully submerged. Déjelo en remojo durante aproximadamente 5-10 minutes to loosen any dirt or tarnish.

3. Gently clean the necklace

Usar un cepillo de dientes de cerdas suaves o un paño sin pelusa, lightly scrub the necklace to remove any residue or tarnish. Be gentle to avoid scratching the silver.

4. Rinse the necklace

Thoroughly rinse the necklace under warm running water to remove the cleaning solution and any remaining dirt or soap residue. Be careful not to drop the necklace down the drain.

5. Dry the necklace

Pat the necklace dry with a soft, ropa limpia. Make sure it is completely dry before storing or wearing to prevent further tarnishing.

6. Almacenar adecuadamente

After cleaning, store your sterling silver necklace in a dry, airtight container or a jewelry box to minimize exposure to air and moisture, which can cause tarnishing.

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