Custom Sterling Silver Ring

Joliment conçu avec des pierres précieuses scintillantes, l'argent sterling est une option abordable et rentable pour vous permettre de créer des œuvres d'art de bague sans précédent.



Bijoux en argent sterling


Sterling Silver Ring

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Qu'est-ce que 925 Mean on a Ring?

The marking “925” on a ring refers to the purity of the metal used in the ring, specifically sterling silver. The number 925 indicates that the ring is made of 92.5% argent et 7.5% autres métaux, typically copper.

Pure silver, also known as fine silver, is too soft and malleable to be practical for most jewelry purposes. Donc, it is alloyed with other metals to increase its strength and durability. The addition of copper in sterling silver helps enhance its structural integrity.

Le “925” mark is commonly seen on sterling silver jewelry, including rings, bracelets, necklaces, and earrings. It is an internationally recognized hallmark that ensures the quality and authenticity of the silver used in the piece of jewelry.

Sterling silver ring

Comment Faire le ménage Sterling Silver Ring?

clean sterling silver ring

1. Préparez une solution de nettoyage

Mélangez quelques gouttes de savon à vaisselle doux ou de nettoyant liquide pour argent avec de l'eau tiède dans un petit bol ou une bassine.. Évitez d'utiliser des produits chimiques ou des nettoyants agressifs qui pourraient endommager l'argent..

2. Soak the ring

Place the sterling silver ring into the cleaning solution, s'assurer qu'il est complètement immergé. Laissez-le tremper pendant environ 5-10 minutes to loosen any dirt, huiles, ou ternir.

3. Gently clean the ring

Use a soft-bristle toothbrush or a lint-free cloth to gently scrub the ring, paying attention to the nooks, crannies, and intricate details.

4. Rinse the ring

Thoroughly rinse the ring under warm running water to remove the cleaning solution and any residue from the scrubbing process. Ensure that all soap or cleaning solution is completely washed off.

5. Dry the ring

Séchez les bijoux avec un chiffon doux, vêtement propre, s'assurer qu'il est complètement sec avant de le ranger ou de le porter. Évitez de frotter vigoureusement, car cela peut provoquer des rayures.

Sterling Silver Ring vs White Gold Ring

CatégorieSterling Silver RingsWhite Gold Rings
CompositionMade of 92.5% argent et 7.5% autres métaux, généralement en cuivreMade of gold alloyed with white metals, such as silver, palladium, or nickel
DurabilitéSolid and durable, but more prone to scratches and tarnishing compared to white goldStrong and durable, more resistant to scratches and tarnishing than sterling silver
CouleurHas a naturally shiny, silver colorHas a white or silver tone, similar to platinum or silver
AllergiesGenerally well-tolerated, but some individuals may be sensitive to silver or other metals in the alloyCan be an option for individuals with nickel allergies, but nickel-white gold alloys may still cause reactions in some people
CoûtRelatively more affordable compared to white goldGenerally more expensive than sterling silver, price varies based on gold purity and market rates
EntretienRequires regular cleaning and proper storage to prevent tarnishingLow-maintenance, but occasional cleaning may be needed to maintain the shine
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