Custom Stainless Steel Bracelet

Make your custom need for stunning and on-trend bracelets a breeze.






Adorn Bracelets with Meticulous Craftsmanship

In-depth customization can be offered to best fit your clientsdemands. You have access to a number of custom options while creating your bracelet.
Zierelemente: like beads, Perlen, enamels, and fine stones.
Different styles like bangles, charms, links, etc., with various textures.
Clasp styles: such as lobster, bolo, barrel, box, bead/ball, fishhook, hook, magnetic, toggle, spring ring, swivel, and buckle.

Premium Properties to Elevate Your Jewelry Business

To further display the beauty of your bracelets and extend their lifespan, they can be plated.

Jusnova offers plating services such as gold plating ranging from 10k-24k, which ensures that your bracelets are coated from diminishing factors. This guarantees extreme durability and long-term profitability.

By modifying additional plating metals or alloys to give the color of your bracelet, you can further distinguish your brand from the competitors.
stainless steel bracelet

Make Bracelet Attractive from the Inside Out with Packaging

To attract customers and get more sales, you must pay attention to your packaging. Having decent packaging is a great way to encourage customers to notice and remember your brand.

Understanding this, we’ve established a stable relationship with reliable packaging suppliers to back up your business. They provide durable packages that are customized with your logo, thus protecting your bracelets from stains and promoting your business.

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Stainless Steel Bracelet Benefits

A stainless steel bracelet offers durability, resistance to tarnish and corrosion, and a sleek, stylish appearance.
stainless steel bracelet


Stainless steel is known for its exceptional durability. It is a strong and sturdy material that is highly resistant to tarnish, scratches, and corrosion. This makes stainless steel bracelets a long-lasting and low-maintenance accessory.


Stainless steel bracelets come in various designs, styles, and finishes, making them versatile for both casual and formal wear. They can be found in sleek and minimalistic designs, as well as bold and intricate styles, allowing you to find a bracelet that suits your personal preference.
stainless steel jewelry


Stainless steel bracelets come in various designs, styles, and finishes, making them versatile for both casual and formal wear. They can be found in sleek and minimalistic designs, as well as bold and intricate styles, allowing you to find a bracelet that suits your personal preference.
two gorgeous stainless steel bangle


Compared to precious metals like gold or silver, stainless steel bracelets tend to be more affordable while still offering durability and a stylish appearance. This makes stainless steel a cost-effective option for those looking for high-quality jewelry without breaking the bank.
stainless steel bracelet

Water and Sweat Resistance

Stainless steel is highly resistant to water and sweat, making it an ideal choice for those who lead an active lifestyle or enjoy water-related activities. You can wear stainless steel bracelets during workouts, Baden, or in humid environments without worrying about damage or discoloration.
stainless steel bangle

Stylish and Modern

Stainless steel bracelets have a sleek, modern, and polished appearance that can complement various fashion styles. Whether you prefer a minimalist design or something more intricate, you can find stainless steel bracelets to suit your fashion taste.
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